Grandma Likes Coffee But... (Day 2)

NaNoWriMo Day 2

"Snack" du jour
Maybe I should save this post for mid-way November, when the smell of coffee gets a little gag worthy.  Or not.  I top my coffee consumption at a pot of french press in the morning, but had I the resources, I would probably drink it all the live long day.

At some point, my body refuses entrance to any more coffee.  The moats flood, the gate is drawn, blah blah.   But I still need a cup of something, my fake cigarette to hold and ease the physical addiction of a nice, warm mug over which to brood.  Y'know that episode of The West Wing before Sorking left and everything went to hell?  Barlet for America: The one where Leo is facing a Congressional inquiry about the President's MS and it's revealed that he fell off the wagon one night during the campaign and to explain his alcoholism to his attorney, Leo says:
"I like the little things. The way a glass feels in your hand, a good glass - thick, with a heavy base. I love the sound an ice cube makes when you drop it from just the right height."
  That is the romance of a great cup of coffee:  the heft of a good mug, the spirals of steam that float up from the black, the sound the first splash of coffee makes when you pour it from just the right height.  Oh Leo... I still need that so I drink other stuff.  Caffeinated or not:
  • Plain hot water.  Yes, it's not that weird.
  • Homemade ginger tea, which may be the easiest and yummiest tea in the world.  Slice ginger root in thin pieces, let it boil in water for 5-10 minutes, pour over sugar.  Enjoy!  Great for an upset tummy, heartburn, etc.
  • Cocoa: While sugary, it's a nice switch from black coffee, which is what I drink.  Otherwise, if you take coffee with your cream and sugar, how can you stand to drink more sugar?! 
  • Mint Tea:  I lived on this when I was in Jerusalem.  Luckily, if a Southerner lives amongst you, you always have Lipton.  Otherwise find some black pekoe and brew yourself a cup to steep with mint leaves and sugar.
  • Chai:  A friend in college made me homemade chai once and I've been ruined on it ever since.  Nothing beats the smell of chai cooking on the stove.  Speaking of which, does anyone have a good recipe for chai?
  • Jasmine/Oolong: My roommate used to mix the two into something wonderful.  Also, I'm bored by traditional green tea so this is a nice change.
  • Pu-erh Tea:  I guess it's technically fermented tea, but it's supposed to miraculously lower your cholesterol if consumed after large meals.  And it's pretty tasty too.
  • Yerba mate: I don't drink this as much anymore.  Most of the mate I've bought has been disappointing, but still a nice mate latte is coffee-like.
  • Horchata: Delicious on ice, but also nice warm, or latte-ized.  And easy enough to make at home.

My brother and sister-in-law in Korea send me green tea latte packets which are delicious and sweet and a nice change but I can't tell you where to get them in the states so sorry.  I'll try to make one at home and tell you about it later.  Depending on your culture or geography there are fundamental rules to drinking tea (and coffee really).   Brits add cream, a Southerner would be shocked.  My Japanese mom never adds sugar to any kind of tea.  Do what you will.  I've turned my husband's sweet tea into sweet mint tea and that was miraculous for summer. 

Are those novels writing themselves yet?   Are you laughing at my coffee-alternatives because you eat your novels for breakfast with a tall glass of OJ and exercise?  Well good for you!  It's time for a refill and I'm going to pour slowly...

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