Summer Camp

It's the time again.  Break out the marshmallows and the really weird noodle art.

I am a big fan of NaNoWriMo.  I miss it all during the year and then hate myself for doing it again in November.  So Summer NaNo??  YESSSS!!

Why do I love NaNoWriMo?  It gets me writing.  I mean, writing like it's my job not just a kind of pathetic pipe dream.  Usually it produces nothing but a road map for future novels but the motivation to race against the sifting sands of time is a huge one.  It means that my afternoons aren't spent wandering through the mall testing luxury makeup and discovering suddenly that I need a skin-softener (which I do?) or that some how in my budget I do have room for a new pair of heels.  The discounted subscription to Scrivener doesn't hurt either (the best, the best, the best writing software).

It means that part of my mind that glamorizes the profession of writing, that imagines my name and my book title in all those fancy magazine interviews, that constantly tries to assemble the perfect red carpet look for the cinematic debut of my best selling novel, will just shut up and let me work without being depressed at the state of my un-Facebook-status worthy professional life.  No fancy meals to document, no crazy vacation pics to upload, no giddy one liners from a glam location.

I will be working.  Probably on the couch that has been barfed on countless times by my dog.  With my MacBook "laptop" (permanent hookup these days) which was generously donated to me by my brother because it had a "funk."  I will be drinking cold coffee and forgetting to eat and then binging on potato chips and losing whatever hint of a tan I managed to collect in these last few weeks, all in the name of crap-tastic writing.

And I will be loving it.  Join me!

P.S. Second round of Camp NaNoWriMo begins in August!

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