Visual Storytelling

To be honest, what really got my butt back in gear after a lengthy hiatus (and a round of unsuccessful retail therapy) was this TED video I saw about Beatrice Coron.  I'm not even sure where I found it or how I came to watch it as I packed an overnight bag for San Francisco, but I saw it and it changed me life.

I think what struck me that most was her decision to become at artist at the age of 40.  Perhaps, it wasn't so stark as she said.  Perhaps it was part of a life long path, as I'm sure it was but the effect was still inspiring.

This will happen, I say.  I will keep writing.

images via artist's personal website

Storytellers of all kinds have an unusual processing system.  We tell stories, visually, verbally, musically, even actively through dance, because it is how we process life, with it's hills and valleys.  I find people who don't understand this to be strange and unfortunate.  My life is only half lived without the expression of my experiences through writing.

She is quite an amazing woman, right?

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