Eye Candy, Audio Bliss

I want my book published with art by Jackie Tileston. All pictures courtesy of her website. Check it out and be filled with bliss.
Untitled (Green Cloud)
Benevolent Uproar
The Instability of the Thing
I've never wanted to own abstract art before in my life.  Also, a Ben Howard cover than has been particularly pleasing.  I'm rather fond of his music anyway (Old Pine maybe be the best wake up song for sleepy Saturdays) but I had no idea that he's British.  And he surfs.  British surfer dudes?  Is that a thing???

As much as I adore this song, this live version is somehow so brilliant to me.  Also, Sia is adorable, non?

And because her voice just rocks:

Happy Thursday, Folks.  Busy writing, hope you are too!
P.S.  I love them too much not to add a live version in the best way: intimate, stripped down, lots of personality.

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